We are passionate about the Journey of Life, which is our favourite school – full of rich teachings.
Many tools to embody & transmit all these teachings, we’ve learned through:
the S.ex, Love & Relationship coaching program at the Tantric Institute of Integrated S.exuality by Layla Martin (that’s how we met!),
participating & assisting at the ISTA (International School of Temple Arts),
the Trauma Training for Tantra Professionals at LiveTantra
the Awaken as Love Training
This has given us a profound embodiment of being able to create safe spaces for people to grow, to connect, to play, to explore and to go deep.
Our mission is to:
Empower people to become their true authentic self and live the life they love.
Support those who want to in their personal transformation to full liberation.
Inspire those who resonate with our energy to feel deeply connected & highly alive.
To raise global consciousness to a higher frequency and be in service for the highest good of all in this magical Universe